Friday, April 23, 2010

Performing @ Wesleyan Univ, April 23rd & 24th!

Performing @ Wesleyan Univ, April 23rd & 24th!

FYI: I'm performing tonight and tomorrow! Roll thru if you're in the vicinity and/or spread the good word!

Friday, April 23, 2010, 8pm to 10:30pm

April (Asian, Asian-American, Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern & Queer) Awareness Month
200 Church Lounge (at 200 Church St.)
Middletown, Connecticut
(Please email if you're interested in performing, before Thursday night.)

Saturday, April 24, 2010, 8pm

Solo Performance
200 Church Lounge (at 200 Church St.)
Middletown, Connecticut


Z said...

Have a safe trip to CT, mami, wish I could be there!! I shall bide my time until Zami #marksoffcalendar #gokickass #buildtheempire

daughter of my mama said...

thank you for this z. this so warmed my heart, still warms my heart, makes me feel loved, makes me feel supported, thanks for lifting me up. CT was so good and so lovely!

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